This page lists many of the interviews I've given over the years. To learn more and watch or listen to any of the interviews below, click on its "interview details" button. Click the "featured interviews" button to list only interviews I've highlighted as featured.
Chris joins a panel of Calvinists to answer Trinity Radio's recent 20 questions for Calvinists.
interview detailsChris Date handles a shotgun blast of "Non-Calvinist" texts on Trinity Radio, hosted by Braxton Hunter.
interview detailsChris joins Braxton Hunter for a rapid response to biblical texts thought to touch on the nature of Hell!
interview detailsChris is interviewed about hell on The Outlet podcast.
interview detailsChris joins Braxton Hunter to discuss the views of philosopher, Philip Goff, who recently announced his conversion to Christianity.
interview detailsChris joins Braxton Hunter to demonstrate how Megan Basham defames Gavin Ortlund in "Shepherds for Sale."
interview detailsChris talks about his favorite books with Matt Walker Thrift.
interview detailsChris and traditionalist Jerry Walls join Dan Paterson to discuss the nature of hell.
interview detailsFirst part of an interview given by Chip Bennett of Grace Church Sarasota, asking Chris about the doctrine of hell.
interview detailsChris continues discussing Calvinism and Provisionism with James Harding.
interview detailsChris is interviewed by Zak Tindal on preterism, amillennialism, and conditionalism.
interview detailsChris joins Devin Braun and Michael Gordon, the Blue Collar Philosophers, to discuss the nature of hell.
interview detailsChris and other speakers at the Rethinking Hell Conference 2022 join Trinity Radio for an "Ask Us Anything" episode.
interview detailsChris joins Isaiah Burridge and C Jay Coxe to discuss the intersection of ghosts and the Bible.
interview detailsChris joins Evan Minton on Cerebral Faith Live, to discuss spiritual gifts and especially tongues in the context of 1 Corinthians 14.
interview detailsChris joins James Harding to discuss the Father's drawing in John 6.
interview detailsChris joins Adam Terry on Curious Christianity to discuss conditional immortality and annihilationism.
interview detailsChris joins Isaiah Burridge to discuss so-called "spiritual death" on Isaiah's "Depends on How You Look At It" podcast
interview detailsChris connects again with Theology on Tap to continue his discussion on the nature of hell with traditionalist Juan Carlos Martinez.
interview detailsChris joins C. Jay Coxe to discuss physicalism vs. dualism in the context of Matthew 10:28 and Genesis 2:7.
interview detailsChris joins Caleb Hegg to discuss preterism, amillennialism, and Israel.
interview detailsChris Date joins Braxton Hunter and Johnathan Pritchett on Trinity Radio to Respond to Paulogia on Evil and Hell
interview detailsTyler Vela is joined by Chris to discuss his recent debate with open theist Will Duffy.
interview detailsChris joins fellow Calvinist TurretinFan, and friend and Arminian Molinist Dan Chapa, to discuss the "drawing" of John 6:44.
interview detailsChris joins Kevin Thompson, on Beyond the Fundamentals, to discuss what the Bible says about hell.
interview detailsBraxton Hunter interviews Chris Date on Trinity Radio, to discuss what Jude 7 says about hell.
interview detailsChris joins Rebekah Davis on her Bread of Life show, to discuss what the Bible says about hell.
interview detailsChris Date from Rethinking Hell participates in a panel discussion about the nature of Hell.
interview detailsChris joins Isaiah Burridge to discuss the doctrine of Original Guilt on Isaiah's "Depends on How You Look At It" podcast
interview detailsChris Date joins Braxton Hunter on Trinity Radio to discuss the Trinity model he offered in a recent debate vs. the Muslim Metaphysician
interview detailsChris Date joins Jeremiah Short and Andrew Elliott on the Complete Sinner's Guide to discuss compatiblist freedom and determinism
interview detailsChris Date joins C Jay Coxe on Un-Apologetics to discuss Molinism and God's responsibility for evil
interview detailsOn his "Actual Faith" show, Jeremy Scott DeSpain interviews Chris on the topic of hell.
interview detailsChris joins C Jay Coxe, host of "Unapologetics" on "TheCynicogue" YT channel, to continue discussing physicalim still further.
interview detailsChris offers an alternative to conditionalist John Stackhouse's and universalist George Sarris's understandings of Philippians 2:10-11
interview detailsChris talks about the similarities and differences between the three majors views on hell, for Steven HAuse's documentary
interview detailsCam Harless and Jessica Green are joined by Chris Date from Rethinking Hell
interview detailsChris joins Shea Houdmann to discuss conditional immortality (a.k.a. annihilationism) on the podcast.
interview detailsChris joins Braxton Hunter and Johnathan Pritchett on Trinity Radio, to debunk pro-choice interpretations of biblical texts.
interview detailsChris joins C Jay Coxe, host of "Unapologetics" on "TheCynicogue" YT channel, to continue discussing physicalism.
interview detailsChris joins C Jay Coxe, host of "Unapologetics" on "TheCynicogue" YT channel, to discuss physicalism.
interview detailsChris joins Isaiah Burridge and Daniel Goepfrich to discuss the millennium on Isaiah's "Depends on How You Look At It" podcast
interview detailsChris joins Stelman Smith Jr. on The Unapologetic Apologists to discuss meticulous divine providence (theistic determinism).
interview detailsChris joins Tyler Fowler and Noah Chelliah on The Complete Sinner's Guide to discuss conditional immortality and the destiny of human souls.
interview detailsChris joins Isaiah Burridge to discuss Revelation's "first resurrection" on Isaiah's "Depends on How You Look At It" podcast
interview detailsChris joins Phil Fox to discuss annihilationism and why it's unpopular among Christians.
interview detailsTim Stratton sits down with Chris Date to discuss annihilationism, AKA conditional immortality.
interview detailsChris joins C Jay Coxe, host of "Unapologetics" on "TheCynicogue" YT channel, to discuss annihilationism.
interview detailsChris joins Tim Hull on Dealing with Deconstruction to discuss conditional immortality as an alternative to deconstructing.
interview detailsChris joins Ryan Bensheimer and Matt Mouzakis on Expedition 44 to discuss hell and conditional immortality
interview detailsChris Date joins Idol Killer to discuss all things related to hell.
interview detailsChris Date joins Renee Roland to discuss annihilationism and conditional immortality.
interview detailsChris joins Isaiah Burridge to discuss the doctrine of hell on Isaiah's "Depends on How You Look At It" podcast
interview detailsChris Date joins Braxton Hunter to discuss the youtuber Morgue's claim that Jesus lied about his return.
interview detailsChris joins Isaiah Burridge to discuss the doctrine of preterism on Isaiah's "Depends on How You Look At It" podcast
interview detailsChris joins Eric Skwarczynski on the Preacher Boys podcast to discuss conditional immortality (a.k.a. annihilationism).
interview detailsChris joins Anthony Uvenio on Reformed Rookie to review his recent debate with hyper-preterist Michael Miano.
interview detailsZac Sechler interviews Chris Date about Calvinism on Adherent Apologetics
interview detailsChris joins Billy Wendeln and Matt Chisholm on Bible Brodown to discuss Christian physicalism.
interview detailsChris joins Isaiah Burridge to discuss the doctrine of physicalism on Isaiah's "Depends on How You Look At It" podcast
interview detailsChris joins Dylan Johnson on Rationale Radio to discuss conditional immortality (a.k.a. annihilationism).
interview detailsChris Date joins Braxton Hunter to discuss one youtuber who is clinging to what is known as a logical argument from evil.
interview detailsChris joins The Story Brothers, Bub and Bob, to discuss conditional immortality (a.k.a. annihilationism).
interview detailsChris Date discusses hell on the Christ is the Cure podcast
interview detailsBraxton Hunter and Johnathan Pritchett talk to Chris about the doctrine of the Trinity and the natures of Christ.
interview detailsZac Sechler interviews Chris Date on the Adherent Apologetics show
interview detailsChris joins unitarian Sam Adams on his Transfigured YouTube show to discuss the doctrines of Trinity and incarnation.
interview detailsChris joins Stelman Smith Jr. on The Unapologetic Apologists to discuss conditional immortality (a.k.a. annihilationism).
interview detailsChris joins Ryan Hiebert on his Meet Jesus show to discuss hell and conditional immortality
interview detailsChris and David Russell join Dale Glover on Real Seekers to discuss the nature and duration of hell.
interview detailsChris Date explains why the wicked will be annihilated at the final judgment because of the conditional state of eternal life.
interview detailsEli Ayala discusses objections to Calvinism with Chris Date on Revealed Apologetics
interview detailsChris joins David Ross on CVS (Catholic vs.) to discuss conditional immortality (a.k.a. annihilationism).
interview detailsChris joins Joshua Gibbs on his Talking Christianity show to discuss hell and conditional immortality.
interview detailsChris joins Haden Clark to discuss conditional immortality (a.k.a. annihilationism).
interview detailsChris joins Philip Duncalfe on his The Hell Project show to discuss hell in the Book of Revelation.
interview detailsChris Date discusses the disputed Pauline letters with Kurt Jaros on Veracity Hill
interview detailsLeighton Flowers discussing Libertarian Free Will and Compatibilism in the Westminster Confession of Faith with his friend, Chris Date.
interview detailsChris joins Johnathan Pritchett to respond to thoughts by atheist YouTuber Pine Creek on the doctrine of hell.
interview detailsChris and J. P. Wooten join David Pallmann on Faith Because of Reason to discuss conditional immortality (a.k.a. annihilationism).
interview detailsChris Date discusses inerrancy with Kurt Jaros on Veracity Hill
interview detailsBraxton Hunter and Johnathan Pritchett talk with Chris about the various views of hell available to evangelicals.
interview detailsAndrew Schumacher interviews Chris Date, who defended the Trinitarian view in a debate with Dale Tuggy.
interview detailsAnnihilationism and Conditional Immortality on The Gospel Truth with Marlon Wilson
interview detailsChris Date discusses hell with Kurt Jaros on Veracity Hill (audio only)
interview detailsThe guys at Better Questions sit down with Chris Date of the Rethinking Hell podcast to have a Better Conversation on Hell.
interview detailsChris Date is interviewed on NPR's 1A program, to discuss changing Christian views of hell.
interview detailsChris joins the guys at Fire Theft Radio to discuss hell and conditional immortality
interview detailsChris joins Mathias Venditto on his Talkin' Doctrine show to discuss Calvinism.
interview detailsChris joins Mathias Venditto on his Talkin' Doctrine show to discuss hell and conditional immortality.
interview detailsChris Date discusses hell on Cosmoetica alongside Alan Bernstein and David Pike
interview detailsDoes the Bible Teach that the Lost Will Live Forever in Torment? A Conversation with Chris Date on Apologetics Academy
interview detailsBobby (the one-minute apologist) interviews apologist Chris Date about his belief in annihilationism.
interview detailsShane Blackshear interviews Chris Date and Graham Ware on the Seminary Dropout podcast
interview detailsChris joins Andrew Rappaport to discuss conditional immortality (a.k.a. annihilationism) on the Bible Thumping Wingnut, with Tim Hurd.
interview detailsFirst part of an interview given by Chip Bennett of Grace Church Sarasota, asking Chris about the doctrine of hell.
interview detailsBraxton Hunter interviews Chris Date on Trinity Radio, to discuss what Jude 7 says about hell.
interview detailsChris offers an alternative to conditionalist John Stackhouse's and universalist George Sarris's understandings of Philippians 2:10-11
interview detailsChris talks about the similarities and differences between the three majors views on hell, for Steven HAuse's documentary
interview detailsChris joins Shea Houdmann to discuss conditional immortality (a.k.a. annihilationism) on the podcast.
interview detailsChris joins The Story Brothers, Bub and Bob, to discuss conditional immortality (a.k.a. annihilationism).
interview detailsChris Date is interviewed on NPR's 1A program, to discuss changing Christian views of hell.
interview details