This page lists episodes of my Rethinking Hell Live bi-weekly YouTube show. To watch any of the episodes below, click its "episode details" button.
The Rethinking Hell team celebrates another year of ministry in our end-of-year 2024 round table!
episode detailsChris continues responding to a recent sermon by Joe Schimmel, in which he argues against a strawman construal of annihilationism.
episode detailsChris continues responding to a recent sermon by Joe Schimmel, in which he argues against a strawman construal of annihilationism.
episode detailsChris interviews traditionalist R. Zachary Manis about his recent book, "Thinking Through the Problem of Hell: The Divine Presence Model."
episode detailsChris responds to a recent sermon by Joe Schimmel, in which he argues against a strawman construal of annihilationism.
episode detailsChris promotes Zondervan's new "NIV Upside-Down Kingdom Bible," to which he contributed notes on death and the afterlife.
episode detailsChris is joined by James Harding to discuss James' recent discovery that First Enoch may support a conditionalist reading of Revelation 14.
episode detailsChris Date responds to comments made by Dr. James White, of Alpha and Omega Ministries, in a recent episode of the Dividing Line.
episode detailsChris continues reviewing universalist Andrew Hronich's "Once Loved Always Loved."
episode detailsChris responds to an article called "Undying Worm, Undying Men: The Eternal Horrors of Hell," written by Mark Jones.
episode detailsChris Date answers viewers' questions from Facebook and from the live YouTube chat.
episode detailsChris is joined by a few members of the Rethinking Hell team to celebrate 100 episodes of Rethinking Hell Live!
episode detailsChris continues reviewing universalist Andrew Hronich's "Once Loved Always Loved."
episode detailsChris begins a new series reviewing books on hell, starting with universalist Andrew Hronich's "Once Loved Always Loved."
episode detailsChris interviews Dr. Michael Brown about his chapter on hell in his new book, "Why So Many Christians Have Left The Faith."
episode detailsChris responds to David Falk's recent video ranking views of hell.
episode detailsChris responds to Dane Ortlund's recent 9Marks publication, "Is Hell Real?"
episode detailsChris responds to Adriel Sanchez's arguments against annihilationism in a recent episode of Core Christianity.
episode detailsChris previews the upcoming ninth annual Rethinking Hell conference.
episode detailsChris continues the "Conditionalists in History" series with a look at Polycarp of Smyrna.
episode detailsChris responds to statements made by John Piper in a 2008 sermon recently uploaded to YouTube.
episode detailsIn this episode of Rethinking Hell Live, Chris explains why Isaiah 10:18 is no support for a universalist interpretation of Matthew 10:28.
episode detailsChris explains why the authors behind the Psalms of Solomon and Odes of Solomon appear to have been conditionalists.
episode detailsChris explains why the early church father responsible for writing 2 Clement appears to have been a conditionalist.
episode detailsChris responds to a recent episode of Alisa Childers' show, in which she and interview guest Lee Strobel discuss the topic of hell.
episode detailsChris is joined by William Tanksley for part 4, the finale, of their review of Chris's recent debate with universalist Caleb Jackson
episode detailsChris is joined by William Tanksley for part 3 of their review of Chris's recent debate with universalist Caleb Jackson
episode detailsChris is joined by William Tanksley for part 2 of their review of Chris's recent debate with universalist Caleb Jackson
episode detailsChris is joined by William Tanksley to begin a review of Chris's recent debate with universalist Caleb Jackson
episode detailsChris is joined by fellow conditionalist Darren Clark and traditionalist David Wolcott to discuss how to improve the conversation
episode detailsChris is joined by theological biographer Andrew Ray Williams to discuss influential conditionalist Clark Pinnock
episode detailsChris is joined by friend and fellow conditionalist Darren Clark to field audience questions
episode detailsChris is joined by friend and fellow conditionalist Darren Clark to review a video published by Got Question ministries
episode detailsChris concludes his review of his recent debate versus heretical hyper-preterist and universalist Keith Giles
episode detailsChris is joined by friend and former universalist Nick Quient to continue reviewing Chris's recent debate with universalist Keith Giles
episode detailsChris is joined by friend and former universalist Nick Quient to review Chris's recent debate with universalist Keith Giles
episode detailsChris responds to a video in which Alan Gomes argues for the doctrine of eternal torment
episode detailsChris responds to Ronnie Floyd's comments about hell in his address at the 2021 Southern Baptist Convention
episode detailsChris is joined by friend and fellow conditionalist Mark Corbett to explain why conditional immortality doesn't entail Christological heresy
episode detailsChris responds to recent comments about hell by the shock-jock psuedo-atheist Morgue
episode detailsChris is joined by conditionalist philosopher Jordan Hampton to discuss the "problem" of separation from lost loved ones in heaven
episode detailsChris is joined by Braxton Hunter and Johnathan Pritchett to review Chris's recent 2-on-2 debate on hell
episode detailsChris fields audience questions in this installment of his regular Q&A series
episode detailsChris is joined by friend and fellow conditionalist Glenn Peoples to review Chris's recent 2-on-2 hell debate
episode detailsChris is joined by friend and fellow conditionalist William Tanksley to explain how the Book of Revelation teaches conditionalism
episode detailsChris is joined by friend and fellow conditionalist Mark Corbett to discuss their upcoming 2-on-2 debate
episode detailsChris responds to a video critiquing annihilationism by the ministry Messiah Matters
episode detailsChris responds to comments recently made about hell by Mike Winger and Alisa Childers
episode detailsChris embarks upon a deep dive into the meaning of Matthew 10:28
episode detailsChris responds to a video defending eternal torment published by Daniel Maritz of DLM Christian Lifestyle
episode detailsChris responds to a video recently published by Bill Wiese, author of "23 Minutes in Hell"
episode detailsChris fields audience questions in this latest installment of his Q&A series
episode detailsChris responds to comments made about hell recently by Gavin Ortlund
episode detailsChris refutes universalist interpretations of the forever-open gates in the Book of Revelation
episode detailsChris responds to comments made about hell recently by atheist YouTuber Rationality Rules
episode detailsChris interviews apologist Evan Minton of the "Cerebral Faith" ministry about his recent conversion to conditionalism
episode detailsChris responds to comments made recently by Al Mohler at the T4G conference
episode detailsChris responds to some of universalist Julie Ferwerda's YouTube videos
episode detailsChris responds to comments made recently by shock-jock apologist Todd Friel
episode detailsChris demonstrates that the early Christian document known as the Didache reflects belief in conditional immortality
episode detailsChris fields audience questions in this latest installment of his Q&A series
episode detailsChris responds to comments made by Robert Peterson in defense of eternal torment in a 2012 interview
episode detailsChris begins a new series examining bad arguments often made for and against conditionalism
episode detailsChris kicks off a new series looking at examples of traditionalists (believers in eternal torment) sounding like conditionalists
episode detailsChris responds to comments made by traditionalist Ross Burns in his recent debate with a Roman Catholic annihilationist
episode detailsChris discusses what the Bible really says about what "death" means
episode detailsChris responds to comments about hell in the New Testament made recently by atheists/skeptics John Cedars and Cosmic Skeptic
episode detailsChris responds to comments about hell and annihilationism made by Randy Alcorn in a recent interview by Sean McDowell
episode detailsChris responds to comments about hell and annihilationism in the otherwise fantastic film, "American Gospel: Christ Crucified"
episode detailsChris fields audience questions in his regular Q&A series
episode detailsChris responds to traditionalist Marvin Jones's plenary presentation he gave at the 2020 Rethinking Hell Conference
episode detailsChris interviews Bart Ehrman on his recent book, "Heaven and Hell: A History of the Afterlife"
episode detailsChris responds to one of universalist Robin Parry's video answers at the blog of the late Rachel Held Evans
episode detailsChris discusses what the Bible really says about the dual resurrection of both righteous and unrighteous
episode detailsChris responds to comments made by James White in a recent episode of the Dividing Line
episode detailsChris interviews annihilationist Randal Rauser on terminology and what he thinks is the biggest ethical challenge to annihilationism
episode detailsChris demonstrates that the late-first- or early-second-century writing known as the Epistle of Barnabas reflects belief in conditionalism
episode detailsChris looks at the role hell played in the deconversion of popular YouTubers Rhett and Link
episode detailsChris fields audience questions in this latest installment of his Q&A series
episode detailsChris discusses what the Bible really says about what "life "means
episode detailsChris discusses what the Bible really says about the lake of fire in the Book of Revelation
episode detailsChris demonstrates that the early church father Clement of Rome was a conditionalist
episode detailsChris responds to a philosophical argument against annihilationism offered in a 2015 video by Brett Kunkle
episode detailsChris responds to a recent video by James White in which he critiques recent comments about hell by Bart Ehrman
episode detailsChris responds to a recent video on hell published by Russell Moore
episode detailsChris interviews universalist Thomas Jay Oord about his recent book "God Can't"
episode detailsChris interviews Michael Brown about the Old Testament and hell
episode detailsChris fields audience questions in this latest installment of his Q&A series
episode detailsChris discusses what the Bible really says about undying worms in Mark 9:48 and Isaiah 66:24
episode detailsChris demonstrates that the early church father Ignatius of Antioch was a conditionalist
episode detailsChris responds to clips from Frank Turek's appearance on the One Minute Apologist in 2017, defending eternal torment
episode detailsChris interviews friend and convert to annihilationism Preston Sprinkle about intertestamental Jewish literature teaching annihilationism
episode detailsChris leads a Bible study through the biblical language of unquenchable fire
episode detailsChris discusses clips from a YouTube video about hell by apologist Inspiring Philosophy (Michael Jones)
episode detailsChris discusses a presentation given at the recent ETS national meeting by Clay Jones in defense of eternal torment
episode detailsChris discusses a recent video of Apologia Church's Jeff Durbin talking with a non-Christian about hell
episode detailsChris fields audience questions in this latest installment of his Q&A series
episode detailsChris interviews C. Michael Patton, of Credo House Ministries, on the relationship between substitutionary atonement and hell
episode detailsChris discusses what the Bible means when it uses the phrase "eternal fire"
episode detailsChris discusses how humankind's bearing the image of God should inform our understanding of hell
episode detailsChris responds to a recent episode of Alisa Childers' show, in which she and interview guest Lee Strobel discuss the topic of hell.
episode detailsChris is joined by friend and fellow conditionalist Mark Corbett to explain why conditional immortality doesn't entail Christological heresy
episode details